Preclinical restorative dental medicine


Na ovoj stranici trenutno nije odabrana niti jedna anketa!



Dear students,


Most of you did an excellent job in the Caries risk assessment task. This is why I decided to give an additional 1 point to more than initially planned three students.


The students who will get the additional 1 point on the final exam are:

  1. Ayah Abu Ghazaleh 
  2. Ivan Boras
  3. Guillaume Charles Torea Henry
  4. Eva Mandić
  5. Lorna Martić
  6. Emanuela Živko


Keep up the good work!

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 30. 10. 2022. u 18:48

Dear students,

The lecture in Preclinical Restorative Dental Medicine that should have taken place on 31.10.2022, will be held on 4.11.2022 from 11.15-12.00 in the mail lecture room in Gundulićeva 3.

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 26. 10. 2022. u 14:49

Dear students,

the schedule for the 15.6.2021 exam is published on Studomat.

The exam will take place at Gunduliceva 3, in the computer room. The students are divided into 2 groups, at 11.00 and 11.40. 

There will be 25 questions with one correct answer, with the possibility to return to a previous question.


Good luck!

Danijela Marovic

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 14. 6. 2021. u 10:14

Dear students,

Exam topics for the preparation for the exam are published in the repository on this page.

In case you have any questions, please contact me at

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 26. 5. 2021. u 09:35

Dear students,

please note that the required literature for the exam is now a newly published book:

Tarle Z, ed. Restorative dental medicine. Zagreb : Medicinska naklada; 2021.

The book is currently available at a discount for our students at Medicinska naklada bookstore and in other bookstores in the following days.

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 18. 5. 2021. u 21:14

Dear students,

This semester, we will continue with online lectures, which will be held on Wednesdays from 9.15-10.00.

Preclinical exercises will take place at the New preclinical lecture room on Fridays:

- group B - 10.45-13.00

- group A - 15.15-17.30.

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 23. 2. 2021. u 23:39
Uređeno: 25. 2. 2021. u 13:18

The preclinical exercises for group B will not be held on Tuesday, January 12th, 2021, but in the first week after the end of the semester. The exact date will be arranged with Assis. Prof. Negovetic Mandic.

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 10. 1. 2021. u 17:40

Dear students,

Group B will have the preclinical exercises in Preclinical Restorative Dental Medicine on Friday, 11.12.2020., 9.00-11.15 instead of regular preclinical excercises on 15.12.2020.

Please note that you will have two practicals that week: a regular one on Tuesday and another one on Friday.


Danijela Marović

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 24. 11. 2020. u 13:16
Uređeno: 24. 11. 2020. u 14:35

Dear students,

According to the recent recommendations due to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, our lectures will switch to the online version.

This week, the lecture ”Instruments in restorative dental medicine” will stay at the same time, tomorrow, 20.10.2020 at 10.30 at the Gunduliceva 5 main lecture hall. However, students from the group A who can arrive home in time will listen to it from their homes. Those who don't will be allowed to stay in the preclinical course room and listen to the lecture from there. Group B will physically attend the lecture in the Gunduliceva 5 main lecture hall. 

From 26.10.2020 on, all lectures will be exclusively online, Mondays at 12.00.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any issues you need to discuss.

Best regards,
Danijela Marović 

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 19. 10. 2020. u 11:22

Dear students,

The lectures in Preclinical Restorative Dental Medicine will take place on Tuesday from 10.30-11.15 in Gunduliceva 5 lecture room. The practicals for group B will start at 11.15. 

Considering the short period between the lecture and practicals for both groups, as well as the students count that satisfies the epidemiological regulations, your presence is required in the lecture room. I believe that physical type of classes will enable more comfortable communication and improve your learning experience. 

In case you have any questions, please contact me on

Best wishes for the start of a new academic year!

Danijela Marović

Danijela Marović
Objavljeno: 27. 9. 2020. u 11:40

Česta pitanja


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Naslov Odgovori Zadnji odg.

Preclinical restorative dental medicine

Šifra: 195682
ECTS: 9.0
Nositelji: izv. prof. dr. sc. Danijela Marović
Izvođači: izv. prof. dr. sc. Danijela Marović - Pretkliničke vježbe

prof. dr. sc. Ivica Anić - Predavanja
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivona Bago - Predavanja
izv. prof. dr. sc. Anja Baraba - Predavanja
prof. dr. sc. Nada Galić - Predavanja
prof. dr. sc. Silvana Jukić Krmek - Predavanja
izv. prof. dr. sc. Eva Klarić - Predavanja
izv. prof. dr. sc. Jurica Matijević - Predavanja
doc. dr. sc. Višnja Negovetić Mandić - Predavanja
prof. dr. sc. Vlatko Pandurić - Predavanja
prof. dr. sc. Božidar Pavelić - Predavanja
prof. dr. sc. Katica Prskalo - Predavanja
izv. prof. dr. sc. Paris Simeon - Predavanja
prof. dr. sc. Sanja Šegović - Predavanja
prof. dr. sc. Zrinka Tarle - Predavanja
Prijava ispita: Studomat

1. komponenta

Vrsta nastaveUkupno
Predavanja 15
Pretkliničke vježbe 45

2. komponenta

Vrsta nastaveUkupno
Predavanja 15
Pretkliničke vježbe 45
* Opterećenje je izraženo u školskim satima (1 školski sat = 45 minuta)
Opis predmeta:
Ishodi učenja:
  1. Restorative Dental Medicine, , Tarle Z i sur., Medicinska naklada, 2021.
  2. Fundamentals of operative dentistry: a contemporary approach, , Summit JB, Robbins JW, Hilton TJ, Schwartz RS, Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc, 2006.
  3. Preservation and restoration of tooth structure., , Mount GJ, Hume WR, Mosby International Ltd., 1998.
  4. Hybridization of dental hard tissues., , Nakabayayashi N, Pashley DH., Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc, 1998.
  5. Materials from the Merlin e-course, , Marovic D, , .
5. semestar
Obavezni predmet - Redovni studij - Dental Medicine

6. semestar
Obavezni predmet - Redovni studij - Dental Medicine
Termini konzultacija: