AAI@EduHr je autentikacijska i autorizacijska infrastruktura sustava znanosti i visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj. 

Svaki student i zaposlenik na SFZG-u ima izdan AAI korisnički račun.

NAPOMENA: AAI i e-mail nisu isto, iako mogu imati iste korisničke oznake, radi se o različitim uslugama!

AAI korisnički račun je potreban za pristup: Studomatu, sustavu za e-učenje (Merlin/Moodle), web stranici Fakulteta, eduroam WIFI mreži itd.

Pored svega navedenog AAI korisnički račun je moguće koristiti i za pristup sustavu e-Građani preko kojeg je moguće preuzimanje osobnih dokumenata bez potrebe za odlaskom u određene ustanove.


AAI@EduHr is the authentication and authorization infrastructure of the system of science and higher education in the Republic of Croatia.

Every student and employee at SFZG has an AAI user account.

NOTE: AAI and e-mail are not the same, although they may have the same usernames, but they are different services!

AAI user account is required to access: Studomat, e-learning system (Merlin/Moodle), official SFZG website, eduroam WIFI network, etc.

In addition to all of the above, the AAI user account can also be used to access the e-Gradjani service through which personal documents can be downloaded without the need to go to certain institutions.