SFZG mreža

"SFZG" mreža je namijenjena isključivo za spajanje zaposlenika na WIFI!

Ukoliko ste zaposlenik SFZG-a korisničko ime i password možete dobiti slanjem upita na: dario@sfzg.hr

Upute za spajanje uređaja na SFZG bežičnu mrežu:

Korisnici iPhone uređaja nakon što izaberu "SFZG" mrežu moraju upisati prethodno dodijeljeno korisničko ime i password. Nakon toga u koraku koji pita za certifikat moraju izabrati "vjeruj".

Korisnici Android uređaja prilikom spajanja trebaju odabrati iduće postavke:
- EAP method: PEAP
- Phase 2 authentication (ukoliko je nudi): MSCHAPv2
- CA certificate i User certificate: izabrati nemoj provjeravati/nemoj potvrditi
- Identity: dodijeljeno korisničko ime, (npr. iivic@sfzg.hr)
- Anonymous identity: ostaviti prazno
- Password: dodijeljeni password

Upute za spajanje računala i ostalih uređaja možete vidjeti na ovoj stranici.


SFZG network

The "SFZG" network is intended exclusively for connecting employees to WIFI!

If you are an employee of SFZG, you can get a username and password by sending an inquiry to: dario@sfzg.hr

Instructions for connecting devices to the SFZG wireless network:

After selecting the "SFZG" network, iPhone users must enter the previously assigned username and password. After that, in the step that asks for the certificate, they must choose "trust".

Android device users should select the following settings when connecting:

- EAP method: PEAP

- Phase 2 authentication (if offered): MSCHAPv2

- CA certificate and User certificate: select do not verify

- Identity: assigned username (e.g. iivic@sfzg.hr)

- Anonymous identity: leave blank

- Password: assigned password

Instructions for connecting computers and other devices can be found on this page.